4 Quotes & Sayings By Jonathan Ames

Jonathan Ames (born Jonathan Ames Friedman; January 17, 1966) is an American screenwriter, author and television personality. He is best known as the creator and host of the television series Getting On. His first book, I Love You, Now Die: A True Story of Obsessive Love , was released in 2012.

People don't expect too much from literature. They just want to know they're not alone with being confused. Jonathan Ames
I felt myself falling asleep; my eyes were closing, and then I thought, Maybe I should just kill myself. Suicidal thoughts always sneak up on me like that. But I don’t mind them. They’re like aspirin. They calm me down. Jonathan Ames
When I was in college, I had the good fortune to have Joyce Carol Oates as my writing teacher. She told me that I could take an aspect of myself, and from that one bit of personality, I can create a character. This is what I have done, particularly in my novels. Jonathan Ames